This Libido Enhancing Oral Spray is designed to be delivered as a spray mist and absorbed in the mouth. This formula is a blend of homeopathic remedies in an herbal, nutraceutical base. The homeopathic ingredients in this oral spray have been shown to help increase testosterone levels, increase circulation to the genital area, increase sex drive and improve sexual function. This formula has been designed to enhance the body’s production of luteinizing hormone (LH) levels. LH is produced by the pituitary gland and plays an important role in triggering natural testosterone production. This libido enhancing spray formula also acts as a natural stimulus and is beneficial in helping reduce blood pressure, increasing circulation and sex drive.
The amino acids and herbal ingredients in this formula are also designed to increase the natural production of nitric oxide, leading to a more rigid erection. The semi-essential amino acids and herbal extracts have been shown to open up blood vessels throughout the body. They also increase the natural production of nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels, carrying oxygenated blood and nutrients to vital organs and tissues including the heart and penis. L-Arginine, one of these amino acids, has been shown to stimulate growth hormone release and enhances the immune system. This amino acid has also been shown to dramatically increase ejaculatory volume levels and orgasm intensity when taken on a regular basis. Anecdotal reports suggest that L-Arginine supplements can improve fertility in men who have low sperm counts or poor sperm motility.
Another of the herbal extracts in this formula is the Epimedium grandiflorum extract (Horny Goat Weed). The provocative name of this herb may not sound serious, but in reality, Horny Goat Weed Extract is considered a very serious sexual booster. It has been used successfully in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2000 years. In men, the herb is attributed to promote sexual desire and sperm production, and has been used to treat sexual impotence. In women, the herb has primarily been used to fight fatigue and alleviate postmenopausal hypertension.
Our Female Libido Enhancing Oral Spray is a blend of homeopathic remedies in an herbal, nutraceutical base designed to be administered in the mouth. The female version of this product has different ingredients that behave slightly different accordingly to physiological gender differences.
The ingredients in the homeopathic female module of our libido support formula are Agnus castus, Ignatia amara, Natrum muriaticum and Sepia.
The homeopathic ingredients in the female libido support in this formula have shown to be most effective for increasing sexual vitality and providing a good mental outlook and energy. It helps in cases of reduced sexual desire or when anxiety and apprehension affect sexual interest or performance. It also helps in cases of aversion to sexual intercourse mostly related to vaginal pain during the sexual act.
Today most men and women are looking for a higher degree of sex and intimacy while we are living longer and want our sex lives to continue to be active, statistics suggest that this is not the case. One out of four men over the age of 50 experience some degree of sexual dysfunction and at 62 the number is almost 50%. Statistics also show that about two-thirds of women have some type of sexual dysfunction, and one in four women between the ages of 21 and 30 have low sex drives. These numbers increase with age, although the problem tends to bother women less than men as they age. Stress, poor diets, various health conditions and modern lifestyle cause a growing number of both males and females in their 20’s and 30’s to experience sexual dysfunction.
The causes of sexual dysfunction may be physical such as an injury to nerves or psychological such as stress, anxiety or depression. It should be noted that many pharmaceutical medications, alcohol consumption or smoking can also cause sexual dysfunction. New studies have now included diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol as contributing or even as precursors of sexual dysfunction. Studies show that 35% to 75% of men with diabetes will develop some degree of erectile dysfunction. A study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that nearly half of men aged 40 to 79 with high blood pressure have sexual dysfunction. Nearly 60% of all individuals with high cholesterol have some degree of sexual dysfunction. The same diseases that cause this condition in men can lead to sexual dysfunction in women.